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Showing posts from January, 2019

Welcome to Every Game Played Blog

Hello and welcome to Every Game Played Blog. This blog will be your portal into my journey into gaming. From Magic: The Gathering to Street Fighter, Final Fantasy to Call of Duty, I will strive to give you my perspective on each of the games I play and help us discover the wide wonderful world of our shared hobby. I want to experience a variety of different types of games, from Platformers to Role-Playing Games, First Person Shooters to Puzzle games. I want to clear my backlog of all the games I own and bring my thoughts to you so that you can take what you see and decide whether to play the games yourself. I intend to do a combination of streaming on my YouTube channel ( and uploading videos of my playthroughs so that streaming videos you can see my thoughts as they occur and the uploaded videos can be edited to maximize your enjoyment. After each game I play, I intend to write a review for you that tells you my feelings around the ga...